dlcmd (CLI)

dlcmd is a command line interface (CLI) for DataLad that aims to provide a modern, and convenient approach to using DataLad in a terminal.

DataLad functionality provided via dlcmd is separated into two different categories:

  • tailored, stable commands for a finite set of features
  • auto-generated interfaces for any DataLad command available in an installation

For the second category, dlcmd provides no guarantees regarding API stability, and accessibility of particular functionality in the terminal.

The first category, however, comprises individually tuned and documented commands that are specifically tailored and integrated for their joint use in a terminal. Here dlcmd is not serving as a thin layer between the terminal and a Python implementation of a command, but as a fully featured application with consistent (error) messaging, and behavior.

These implementations are individually tested to work via the CLI.

The development of dlcmd is presently conducted at https://hub.datalad.org/datalad/dlcmd